Mississippi River Open School

Instagram post 18081909400105385 anthroriver Field Station 1 books are bound and delivered! See you along the Mississippi on September 20th and 21st. 📚💧 #anthroriver #anthrocur #mississippi #hkw #humandelta #bookdesign #bookdesigner #graphicdesign #offset #offsetprinting #cmyk
Instagram post 17900232520367513 Final internal proofs of anthroriver Field Station 1 before submitting files for printing! 👀 💧#anthroriver #anthrocur #mississippi #hkw #humandelta #bookdesign #bookdesigner #graphicdesign
Instagram post 17872709596490877 Billboard #4 - Part of Sarah Lewison and my Reshaping the Shape project on Asian Carp and the possibilities of recuperation and adaptation, bioregional nutrition and eatin’ from local fishin’. What comes after “invasiveness”? When is something finally a natural part? How do you make lemonade from lemons? #anthropocene #confluenceecologies #anthroriver #asaiancarp #invasivespecies #recuperativeecologies #fish #ecology #naturalhistory #fishing #mississippieiver #superfood #nutrition #sustainability #marionillinois #littleegypt #hkw understorykitchen
Instagram post 17883646021550428 The Mississippi River is high today, and the Fort St Philip crevasse complex is one of the places I am thinking about. Each one of the major channels carries between 10;000 and 20;000 cubic feet of water every second, or about the size of the Potomac or Hudson Rivers each. They are also among the most dynamic parts of the Mississippi River Delta. #Mississippi #thetide #thecoast #rivers #oceanphotography lumcon_ocean louisianacpra restoredelta river_network #anthroriver #coastalliving #climate #scienceiscool
Instagram post 17873208839266219 How do we sense the environment and how does the environment sense us? What can we learn from analyzing the connection between body and environment? 

Margarida Mendes has been investigating how the increase of background noise and chemical unbalance in Mississippi’s petrochemical corridor may be connected with endocrinological and immunity disruptions. By exploring the limits of the sensing body, and the chemical and vibrational continuity between bodies and the environment, she speculates how different sensing ontologies, perceptions of the bodily and mechanisms of registry might lead to different forms of environmental co-habitation.

🔗 Find out more about her study “Environmental Sensing: Refractions of the Infrastructural Body” & explore other case studies of artists, activists and researchers along the Mississippi River via the online environment of the HKW installation “The Current” at: shape.anthropocene-curriculum.org – only online until Sun, Feb 28! 
Photo: Margarida Mendes sea_and_fog, “Roots as antennaes”

anthrocur #HKW #HausDerKulturenDerWelt #Roots #Trees #antennaes #Environment #ClimateChange #Body #Sensing #Mississippi #Pollution #diseases #immunity #MississippiRiver #TheCurrent #Politics #Nature #TSoaP #Anthropocene #AnthropoceneCurriculum #AnthroRiver #Science #Activism #Art
Instagram post 18105188059038427 Barge exhibition/dialogue opening this afternoon! No more spaces left...at full capacity 
#Repost anthroriver (get_repost)
Field Station 3 | Territories—Watersheds—Infrastructures⠀
Join us in #STL tomorrow for Barge Opening⠀
project organized by Derek Hoeferlin derek_hoeferlin_design
Barge exhibition with: Derek Hoeferlin, Samuel Bell-Hart, Xinyang Chen, Virginia Eckinger, Liz Hambor, Natia Kapanadze, Yongdi Li, Mason Radford, Erin Socha, Mingjian Suo, Jess Vanecek, jess_vanecek, Mengru Wang, John Whitaker, Damon Xiang, Makio Yamamoto, Public Lab River Rat Pack⠀

Project Partners: Continental Cement Company, Big Muddy Adventures, Washington University in St. Louis Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts.
Representatives from the US Army Corps of Engineers, Great Rivers Greenway, Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative, Missouri Waterkeeper Alliance, Pulitzer Arts Foundation, National Great Rivers Research and Education Center, among others. ⠀
Free and open to the public, but space is limited. Please pre-register at info@theluminaryarts.com ⠀
Territories—Watersheds—Infrastructures is a multi-scalar field documentation and mapping project that positions the Mississippi, its tributaries, and the St. Louis region within its broader watershed—particularly highlighting the complicated intersections of river management, industry and recreation. Multiple methods of field documentations will include photography and video from canoe trips on the river and aerial photography of various high- and low-water rivers stages. The work not only will be used to represent ideas, but also as objects of action for a set of dialogues about responsibility, agency, and possible futures for the Mississippi River Basin. Discussion, exhibition, and installations will all take place atop a working barge on the North Riverfront.

washu_arch.la.ud washu.landscapearchitecture washu.urbandesign samfox_engage samfoxschool anthropocene_vernacular #anthropocenevernacular #mississippiriver #anthroriver #hkw #theamericanbottom #theluminaryarts
