Mississippi River Open School

Instagram post 17872709596490877 Billboard #4 - Part of Sarah Lewison and my Reshaping the Shape project on Asian Carp and the possibilities of recuperation and adaptation, bioregional nutrition and eatin’ from local fishin’. What comes after “invasiveness”? When is something finally a natural part? How do you make lemonade from lemons? #anthropocene #confluenceecologies #anthroriver #asaiancarp #invasivespecies #recuperativeecologies #fish #ecology #naturalhistory #fishing #mississippieiver #superfood #nutrition #sustainability #marionillinois #littleegypt #hkw understorykitchen
Instagram post 17873208839266219 How do we sense the environment and how does the environment sense us? What can we learn from analyzing the connection between body and environment? 

Margarida Mendes has been investigating how the increase of background noise and chemical unbalance in Mississippi’s petrochemical corridor may be connected with endocrinological and immunity disruptions. By exploring the limits of the sensing body, and the chemical and vibrational continuity between bodies and the environment, she speculates how different sensing ontologies, perceptions of the bodily and mechanisms of registry might lead to different forms of environmental co-habitation.

🔗 Find out more about her study “Environmental Sensing: Refractions of the Infrastructural Body” & explore other case studies of artists, activists and researchers along the Mississippi River via the online environment of the HKW installation “The Current” at: shape.anthropocene-curriculum.org – only online until Sun, Feb 28! 
Photo: Margarida Mendes sea_and_fog, “Roots as antennaes”

anthrocur #HKW #HausDerKulturenDerWelt #Roots #Trees #antennaes #Environment #ClimateChange #Body #Sensing #Mississippi #Pollution #diseases #immunity #MississippiRiver #TheCurrent #Politics #Nature #TSoaP #Anthropocene #AnthropoceneCurriculum #AnthroRiver #Science #Activism #Art
Instagram post 18057014149171788 #reclamation #biodiversity #restoration “We will continue to put that prairie in the ground” #mississippi #anthroriver
Instagram post 17883646021550428 The Mississippi River is high today, and the Fort St Philip crevasse complex is one of the places I am thinking about. Each one of the major channels carries between 10;000 and 20;000 cubic feet of water every second, or about the size of the Potomac or Hudson Rivers each. They are also among the most dynamic parts of the Mississippi River Delta. #Mississippi #thetide #thecoast #rivers #oceanphotography lumcon_ocean louisianacpra restoredelta river_network #anthroriver #coastalliving #climate #scienceiscool
Instagram post 17907700738673541 “A river is always going somewhere, always coming from somewhere. As it passes, the sound we hear is the movement of water from before and after, the past and the future. Whatever present moment the river might invite us to, it is a thick moment, a moment in motion.”

Listening to the Mississippi: From 2013 when it began, to its first “listening action” as part of the “Mississippi. An Anthropocene River”, the Listening-project by Monica Moses Haller, Sebastian Müllauer, Michi Wiancko and Judd Greenstein has been trying to create conditions to perceive gaps between what literally cannot be seen and heard in nature, but which already and always exists in a place. What is needed for this is an imaginative listening. Is this kind of listening possible? 

🔗 Find out more about the project & use the rest of this weekend to explore the interactive online environment of the HKW exhibition “The Current” with studies, films and artworks along the Mississippi River via shape.anthropocene-curriculum.org!
Still from film by Monica Moses Haller, Sadie Luetmer, Sebastian Müllauer, Willie Schumann

anthrocur #HKW #HausDerKulturenDerWelt #MississippiRiver #TheCurrent #Politics #Nature #TSoaP #Anthropocene #AnthropoceneCurriculum #AnthroRiver #Science #Activism #Art #poetry #time #Listening #soundscape #Photography #imagination
Instagram post 17924445754323369 Mississippi. An Anthropocene River is a project by Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin, and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG), Berlin, in collaboration with numerous international partners, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office as part of the initiative #WunderbarTogether as well as by the Max Planck Society.
Anthropocene Vernacular is a collaborative platform convened by Art of the Rural and The American Bottom Project, along with the following participating researchers and institutions: Jennifer Colten, Matthew Fluharty, Derek Hoeferlin, Gavin Kroeber, James McAnally, Lynn Peemoeller, Treasure Shields Redmond, Jesse Vogler, and The Luminary.

#wustl_official #samfoxschool #mississippiriver #hkw #anthropocenevernacular #anthroriver #theamericanbottom #theluminaryarts #territorieswatershedsinfrastructures
Instagram post 18103569985022065 Join us this weekend for the first public events for Laboratory for Suburbia, a new site-responsive platform meant to test the capacity of art and architecture to intervene in the complex spaces of 21st-century suburbia. Presented by The Luminary and curated by Gavin Kroeber (gavinkroeber), Laboratory for Suburbia will unfold in Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 through a series of artist-led bus tours, community gatherings, and research-based platforms. 
The project’s first public launch, supported by #PNCArtsAlive coincides with the HKW Mississippi. An Athropocene River project with a series of bus tours on 10/5 and 10/7 orienting participants to the complex terrain of the St. Louis region’s legacies of suburbanization.

